Soluciones IoT para hacer frente a la Covid-19: Principales tendencias


  • Moreno López Moreno López Instituto Cientifico y Tecnologico del Ejército


Internet of Things, IoT, Healthcare, Covid-19, Systematic literature review


The sudden and disruptive broke out of Covid-19 has a significant impact on various sectors. On the other hand, IoT solutions, with an important time and importance in the literature, offer some applications developed to mitigate the effects of the pandemic which affects the world wide. This article aims to analyze the main trends in IoT Healthcare solutions, specifically those aimed at the context of the pandemic. To this end, a systematic literature review is carried out in the main search engines available. As a result, a categorization of each papers retrieved is provided.


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How to Cite

Moreno López, M. L. (2021). Soluciones IoT para hacer frente a la Covid-19: Principales tendencias . CITEK Magazine, (03), 22–34. Retrieved from