The objective of the research was to demonstrate the effectiveness of nutraceuticals: Myrciaria Dubia, Genipa Americana and Anacardium Occidental, as prevention of COVID19, Yarinacocha district, 2021. To carry out the study, a basic methodology was adopted, with an explanatory-correlational scope and non-experimental design; likewise, it has a quantitative approach. The population made up of 15 families residing in the community of the Yarinacocha district, Coronel Portillo province, and 30 individuals were studied by non-probability sampling, for convenience, using the survey technique and the questionnaires Consumption of nutraceuticals and Prevention of covid19 as instruments. which were validated by expert judgment and with a Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.906 and 0.866 respectively. The results describe that the level of effectiveness of nutraceutical consumption based on camu camu, huito and cajú in the total of people surveyed is: Unhealthy in 6.7%, Healthy in 50% and Very healthy in 43.3%. Likewise, the level of prevention and / or treatment of Covid19 is: Good in 43.3% and Very good in 56.7%. Finally, the correlation between the two variables was evidenced by Spearman’s Rho statistic, which obtained a Rho value = 0.57, which indicates a moderate positive correlation, with significance being, p = 0.008, which is less than (α = 0.05), Therefore, Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted, it is concluded that there is a link between both variables.
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