La Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica, oportunidad para el impulso de la Investigación y Educación en el Perú


  • Edgard Eliseo Carmen Choquehuanca
  • Walter Raul Carmen Choquehuanca


National Backbone Fiber Optic Network, broadband, National Research and Education Network


The approach of Law 29904 of 2012, called Law for the Promotion of Broadband and construction of the National Backbone Fiber Optic Network (RDNFO) considers the implementation of the infrastructure of the National Research and Education Network (RNIE); this flagship project to 2022, has not yet been completed after several years of implementation, due to financial and geographical problems, and especially differences between the parties involved. This network seeks to connect universities and research centers through the National Backbone Fiber Optic Network (RDNFO), and integrate with other networks such as “RedCLARA” with its eduroam platform which is available to many countries, reaching students, researchers and staff of research and education institutions; as well as projects such as. BELLA (Building the Europe Link with Latin America) as an initiative that will solve the long term interconnection needs of the European and Latin American research and education communities. and these to the research networks of the world. Law 29904 of 2012 initially considered public research institutions as members of the NREN, extending to private institutions in the November 2013 regulation. The aim is to emphasize the importance of Peru having a broadband network for research, development and innovation (R&D&I).


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Díaz, Guadalupe, Chamorro, Tucto , Curioso (2014) Despliegue de infraestructura de fibra óptica para formar la Red Nacional de Investigación y Educación en el Perú; Cuarta Conferencia de Directores de Tecnología de Información, TICAL2014 Gestión de las TICs para la Investigación y la Colaboración, Cancún, del 26 al 28 de mayo de 2014. Encuentro de Investigadores y Docentes de Ingeniería: (

GÉANT (2022) GÉANT International Connectivity (

Semana Economica (2022) Red Dorsal Nacional: costo cero y tarifa flexible atraerían a más clientes | Fiberlux.

Morales (2017) Implementación de la Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Optica (RDNFO) en Peru: Logros y desafíos.

RedCLARA (2022) RedCLARA_memoria_2016- finalv2.pdf

RENATER (2022) Accueil - English - Renater

Optical Networks (2022) Red dorsal de fibra óptica y su aporte en el desarrollo digital del Perú - Blog de noticias | Optical Networks

Vargas & Alarcon (2019) Intentando rescatar la Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica: análisis del proyecto normativo del MTC,



How to Cite

Carmen Choquehuanca, E. E., & Carmen Choquehuanca, W. R. (2022). La Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica, oportunidad para el impulso de la Investigación y Educación en el Perú. CITEK Magazine, (05), 3–9. Retrieved from